Beaver County AA

Corrections Committees Districts 24&25

Chairperson: D25 Joe B.

Secretary: Mike G.
The purpose of a corrections committee is to coordinate the work of individual A.A. members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to incarcerated alcoholics. Bringing meetings and literature into facilities, raising awareness of the Corrections Correspondence Service (C.C.S.) among "inside" and “outside” A.A. members, and helping inmates transition to a local A.A. Community through Prerelease contacts are just some of the activities corrections committees support.

​The newsletter Sharing From Behind the Walls is published quarterly by the Corrections assignment and contains excerpts from inmate letters sent to G.S.O. and reprinted with the inmates’ permission. These newsletters are intended for widespread distribution to inmates involved in A.A. in correctional facilities. This newsletter may be duplicated for distribution to inmates without obtaining permission from A.A. World Services, Inc.​
Sharing From Behind the Walls

They meet the 3rd Thursday
of the month at 6pm at

2107 McMinn Street
Woodlawn American
Baptist Church
 Aliquippa 15001.

Beaver County Corrections and Treatments Programs

Medical Center
Thursday 5:30-6:30PM
Saturday 12:30-1:30PM

Treatment Meetings​


Gateway Detox:
Coordinator: Austin C.

Wednesday 6pm

Gateway Main Building (ASU):

Coordinator: Josiah S.​
Mens Friday 7pm
Women Friday 7pm
Women Sunday 10am
Mens Sunday 10am

ABE'S/Women's Gateway

Coordinator: Melissa G.

Sunday 10:30am

Gateway 3c extended program

(annex building)   

Coordinator: Domenic A.

Friday 7pm 

Moffet House:

Coordinator: Tom R.

Tuesday 7:00pm

Brighton Rehabilitation

Coordinator: Mark K.

Thursday 6:30pm

Merekey Mental Health(Chippewa)

Coordinator: Joe B.
Tuesday 7:00

Correctional Facility Meetings

Beaver County Jail

Coordinator(Men): Trevor W.
Monday 7PM

Coordinator(Women): Denea A.
Tuesday 7PM

For more information please contact

the website or ask at your homegroup